Reflection on Amal Totkay

Muhammad Haris
2 min readApr 8, 2021

A growth mindset is really important in every aspect of your life and specially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Amal provided us with their “totkay” to develop growth mindset.

Self reflection will help you to figure out your interest for entrepreneurship and for entrepreneurship you have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to meet new people and you have to tell yourself that this is what I made for until you actually start thinking that you was actually made for this entrepreneurship. I think that these tips are really helpful for development of growth mindset.


  • Daily write your Do’s and Don’ts.
  • Always say ‘I can do it’.
  • Have constructive feedback on your work and seek help to improve it.
  • Don't hesitate to try new things. Make a habit to explore new things.

Favourite tips

  1. Create New Habit: As you have to develop a growth mindset so it will be a a best step for this to create new habits. It will ultimately help you to develop your growth mindset.
  2. Fake it until you make it: Try to realize yourself that you have been made for this and you have to do. After sometime you will get used to it and you will find it even more interesting and fascinating.

Implemented Tips

I implemented “Self Talk” and “Fake it Till You Make It”. I always to convince myself that I can do this and that is what that also falls in “Fake it till you make it” category as well.

Steps to develop a growth mindset

I think we just need to follow this tips or totkays and we will InshaAllah get successful in developing a growth mindset in ourselves.

